149 research outputs found

    Superconductivity in CoO2_2 Layers and the Resonating Valence Bond Mean Field Theory of the Triangular Lattice t-J model

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    Motivated by the recent discovery of superconductivity in two dimensional CoO2_2 layers, we present some possibly useful results of the RVB mean field theory applied to the triangular lattice. Away from half filling, the order parameter is found to be complex, and yields a fully gapped quasiparticle spectrum. The sign of the hopping plays a crucial role in the analysis, and we find that superconductivity is as fragile for one sign as it is robust for the other. Nax_xCoO2y_2\cdot yH2_2O is argued to belong to the robust case, by comparing the LDA Fermi surface with an effective tight binding model. The high frequency Hall constant in this system is potentially interesting, since it is pointed out to increase linearly with temperature without saturation for T >> Tdegeneracy_{degeneracy}.Comment: Published in Physical Review B, total 1 tex + 9 eps files. Erratum added as separate tex file on November 7, 2003, a numerical factor corrected in the erratum on Dec 3, 200

    Absence of hole pairing in a simple t-J model on the Shastry-Sutherland lattice

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    The Shastry-Sutherland model is a two-dimensional frustrated spin model whose ground state is a spin gap state. We study this model doped with one and two holes on a 32-site lattice using exact diagonalization. When t'>0, we find that the diagonal dimer order that exists at half-filling are retained at these moderate doping levels. No other order is found to be favored on doping. The holes are strongly repulsive unless the hopping terms are unrealistically small. Therefore, the existence of a spin gap at half-filling does not guarantee hole-pairing in the present case

    Solution of a two-leg spin ladder system

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    A model for a spin-1/2 ladder system with two legs is introduced. It is demonstrated that this model is solvable via the Bethe ansatz method for arbitrary values of the rung coupling J. This is achieved by a suitable mapping from the Hubbard model with appropriate twisted boundary conditions. We determine that a phase transition between gapped and gapless spin excitations occurs at the critical value J(c) = 1/2 of the rung coupling

    Exact Solution of a One-Dimensional Multicomponent Lattice Gas with Hyperbolic Interaction

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    We present the exact solution to a one-dimensional multicomponent quantum lattice model interacting by an exchange operator which falls off as the inverse-sinh-square of the distance. This interaction contains a variable range as a parameter, and can thus interpolate between the known solutions for the nearest-neighbor chain, and the inverse-square chain. The energy, susceptibility, charge stiffness and the dispersion relations for low-lying excitations are explicitly calculated for the absolute ground state, as a function of both the range of the interaction and the number of species of fermions.Comment: 13 REVTeX pages + 5 uuencoded figures, UoU-003059

    A lecture on the Calogero-Sutherland models

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    In these lectures, I review some recent results on the Calogero-Sutherland model and the Haldane Shastry-chain. The list of topics I cover are the following: 1) The Calogero-Sutherland Hamiltonian and fractional statistics. The form factor of the density operator. 2) The Dunkl operators and their relations with monodromy matrices, Yangians and affine-Hecke algebras. 3) The Haldane-Shastry chain in connection with the Calogero-Sutherland Hamiltonian at a specific coupling constant.Comment: (2 references added, small modifications

    Coordinate Representation of the Two-Spinon wavefunction and Spinon Interaction

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    By deriving and studying the coordinate representation for the two-spinon wavefunction, we show that spinon excitations in the Haldane-Shastry model interact. The interaction is given by a short-range attraction and causes a resonant enhancement in the two-spinon wavefunction at short separations between the spinons. We express the spin susceptibility for a finite lattice in terms of the resonant enhancement, given by the two-spinon wavefunction at zero separation. In the thermodynamic limit, the spinon attraction turns into the square-root divergence in the dynamical spin susceptibility.Comment: 19 pages, 5 .eps figure

    Coordinate Representation of the One-Spinon One-Holon Wavefunction and Spinon-Holon Interaction

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    By deriving and studying the coordinate representation for the one-spinon one-holon wavefunction we show that spinons and holons in the supersymmetric tJt - J model with 1/r21/r^2 interaction attract each other. The interaction causes a probability enhancement in the one-spinon one-holon wavefunction at short separation between the particles. We express the hole spectral function for a finite lattice in terms of the probability enhancement, given by the one-spinon one-holon wavefunction at zero separation. In the thermodynamic limit, the spinon-holon attraction turns into the square-root divergence in the hole spectral function.Comment: 20 pages, 3 .eps figure

    Motion of Bound Domain Walls in a Spin Ladder

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    The elementary excitation spectrum of the spin-12\frac{1}{2} antiferromagnetic (AFM) Heisenberg chain is described in terms of a pair of freely propagating spinons. In the case of the Ising-like Heisenberg Hamiltonian spinons can be interpreted as domain walls (DWs) separating degenerate ground states. In dimension d>1d>1, the issue of spinons as elementary excitations is still unsettled. In this paper, we study two spin-12\frac{1}{2} AFM ladder models in which the individual chains are described by the Ising-like Heisenberg Hamiltonian. The rung exchange interactions are assumed to be pure Ising-type in one case and Ising-like Heisenberg in the other. Using the low-energy effective Hamiltonian approach in a perturbative formulation, we show that the spinons are coupled in bound pairs. In the first model, the bound pairs are delocalized due to a four-spin ring exchange term in the effective Hamiltonian. The appropriate dynamic structure factor is calculated and the associated lineshape is found to be almost symmetric in contrast to the 1d case. In the case of the second model, the bound pair of spinons lowers its kinetic energy by propagating between chains. The results obtained are consistent with recent theoretical studies and experimental observations on ladder-like materials.Comment: 12 pages, 7 figure

    Exact ground state and kink-like excitations of a two dimensional Heisenberg antiferromagnet

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    A rare example of a two dimensional Heisenberg model with an exact dimerized ground state is presented. This model, which can be regarded as a variation on the kagome lattice, has several features of interest: it has a highly (but not macroscopically) degenerate ground state; it is closely related to spin chains studied by earlier authors; in particular, it is probably the first genuinely two-dimensional quantum system to exhibit domain-wall-like ``kink'' excitations normally found only in one-dimensional systems. In some limits it decouples into non-interacting chains, purely dynamically and not because of weakening of interchain couplings: indeed, paradoxically, this happens in the limit of strong coupling of the chains.Comment: 4 pages, revtex, 5 figures included via epsfi